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About us

The Goat Trust is a registered non-profit organization in India, working as a resource organization for pro-poor small livestock value chain business promotion. Our mission is to empower rural women to take lead, command, and manage this often overlooked large livelihoods.

We champion innovations in technology, community processes, and systems to build a conducive environment for small livestock value chain transformation from subsistence to significance. We advocate for a new paradigm that facilitates change in services creation by local women farmers, makes systems financially sustainable, and builds narratives for collective trading and marketing with decentralized production models.


Our community-led model puts poor and ultra-poor, aged, women, and landless farmers at the center stage to build businesses through cooperation and mutual support. We work across the entire value chain, from production to processing, trading, and marketing, on a financially viable scale.

We partner with academia, technology, and research institutions to transform training, education, and research to align with field needs and pro-poor focus. Our community-based Women Pashu Sakhi model has become a mainstream program, transcending national boundaries to the global level.

Join us in our journey to empower rural women and transform the small livestock value chain!"

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